Back in 2021, Queen City Law moved offices - from 203 Queen Street where we were based for almost 20 years , to 19 Victoria Street West . We doubled our office space, and got new views of the then, Queen's City.
We were always aware of the construction and mania that was to come - the City Rail Link and all that comes with it would be a welcomed addition to our side of town. But little did we know exactly what we were in for.
It started with numbers, letters and lines spray painted all over the concrete path outside our lobby doors, but quickly turned into 7ft high metal fences and a regularly burst water pipes that sent thousands of litres of water flooding down Victoria Street West into the middle of Queen Street.
While the adventure of trying to get into the office was amusing at first, and as much as some of us love our exercise, trying to solve an ever changing maze at 8am in the morning before coffee did grow tiring.
We are now proud to announce that access from Victoria Street West and from Queen Street straight to our office has now been made 'simple'. A direct route to our front door? Something we will never take for granted again. Unfortunately, the construction is in no way finished, with what looks like the other side of Victoria Street now in for much of the same.
It is understood that the project will be completed in 2025. Although project costs have blown out, we remain confident that our location will become the centre of the universe in the next short while. Amen.
We have taken care to ensure that the information given is accurate, however it is intended for general guidance only and it should not be relied upon in individual cases. Professional advice should always be sought before any decision or action is taken.