Not Boston Legal: A conversation with Marcus Beveridge

By Marcus Beveridge

Managing Director of Queen City Law, Marcus Beveridge, joins Eden Bradfield, Head of Research at Blackbull on their podcast to discuss assorted issues including the Active Investor Plus business immigration category, what changes are afoot (Including resurrecting the Investor 1 and Investor 2 immigration categories and a possible infrastructure investment component), push and pull factors, the New Zealand Government’s first hundred days and the world’s rapidly changing geopolitical situation.

This conversation follows on from the 45 minute QCL Youtube Video (Linked below).

This is focussed on the ACTIVE INVESTOR PLUS New Zealand government residence visa and contains input from Blackbull, Bentleys CA, NZVC.

It is possibly the best repertoire in New Zealand from one of the best teams assembled in the country.

More episodes will follow as we monitor and influence changes to these important government business immigration settings.

For further information or to discuss further, please get in touch with Marcus Beveridge (Managing Director), Bradley So (Director) or Harris Gu (Senior Lawyer).

We have taken care to ensure that the information given is accurate, however it is intended for general guidance only and it should not be relied upon in individual cases. Professional advice should always be sought before any decision or action is taken.