Summer Law Clerkships at Queen City Law

By Marcus Beveridge | Summer Law Clerks

Queen City Law takes on law clerks every year from November to February during the university summer break. This year, we were lucky to be joined by Otago and Auckland University students, Enna and Yolanda.

During the course of their time at Queen City Law they were run through a thorough induction in their first week which introduced them to all the basic administrative skills that they would need to function at a law firm, followed by weeks of shadowing lawyers in our property and immigration teams and assisting them in their every day tasks.

If Queen City Law sounds like somewhere you would like to have your summer clerkship at, please email us your resume to

Check out their experiences, as well as some insights from our Managing Director, Marcus Beveridge in the video below:

We have taken care to ensure that the information given is accurate, however it is intended for general guidance only and it should not be relied upon in individual cases. Professional advice should always be sought before any decision or action is taken.